19/02/22; | car ride to the base of the plateau | |
20/02/22; | plateau ascent | |
20/02/22; | plateau ascent 2 | |
20/02/22; | hollow rock at the top of the climb |
21/02/22; | cave drawings at Tamaghit: donkey eating |
21/02/22; | cave drawings at Tamaghit:II |
22/02/22; | Tinibuteka camp |
22/02/22; | Tamaghit to Tinibuteka route |
23/02/22; | morning at Tinibuteka camp1 |
23/02/22; | Tinibuteka to Tintazarif route |
23/02/22; | Tinibuteka to Tintazarif route continued |
23/02/22; | wind tunnels at Tintazrif piazza |
23/02/22; | generator2 at Tinibuteka |
23/02/22; | generator at Tinibuteka I |
23/02/22; | generator at Tinibuteka II |
23/02/22; | generator at Tinibuteka III |
23/02/22; | generator at Tinibuteka IV |
25/02/22; | the guelta3 at Sefar I4 |
25/02/22; | the guelta at Sefar5 |
26/02/22; | the guelta at Sefar 2nd day6 |
26/02/22; | bushes a short climb from the guelta7 | |
27/02/22; | washing the stone at the guelta, Sefar | |
03/03/22; | overnight at Djardanet, Djanet8 | |
NB. Without intervention, it was near impossible to find sound where there was no trace of water. Three of the ‘classical’ elements presented potential for sound at Tassili N’ajjer: water, wind/air (things that moved) and fire. The missing two being earth and void. Al-koni talks about the desert being ‘not a real place, a transcendental place, a shadow. A place has preconditions; the most important being the presence of water’.
download audio here
1 Wood fire burning, heating water/preparing tea/breakfast
2 Contact microphone recordings taken in the sand underneath the generator set up daily at the base camps
3 A wetland, typical of desert regions, formed when underground water in lowland depressions rises to the surface and creates permanent pools and reservoirs
4 Wings, birdsong echo through the narrow passage of the Sefar guelta - DESERT WHITE CROWNED WHEATEAR BIRD (muju muju) , Collared Pratincole
5 Wings, birdsong echo through the narrow passage of the Sefar guelta - DESERT WHITE CROWNED WHEATEAR BIRD (muju muju) , Collared Pratincole
6 Clothes being washed using water from the guelta somewhere towards the end of the recording
7 The location at which we came across the Ruffled mouflon or Barbary sheep Ammotragus lervia (VU) in the image to the left. It is likely that some of the rustling in the audio is them eating as well as wind swaying the trees.
8 An orangery and date farm positioned above an oasis in the city of Djanet where the Tassili national park is located. Run by Mahfoud Zergui and Nannette van Zanten.
image credit: Ismail Machar